If you'd rather your cat was sharpening claws on a scratcher rather than your furniture, here is the ultimate product that has a five-star rating on Amazon.
Made of recycled cardboard and non-toxic corn starch glue, it is a scratcher, lounger and so much more (see video review below).
Its curvy design looks good but, more importantly, makes for easy scratching and a comfortable place to rest and play.
The superior cardboard and its construction means it is sturdy and durable. It is reversible so lasts twice as long as most standard scratchers. According to the reviews, cats love it.
It measures 34 x 10.5 x 10.5 inches. The large surface area has room for multiple or larger cats and provides generous scratching space
In these environmentally savvy days it is good to know it won the 2015 Eco-Excellence Award. And it comes with a six-month warranty.
Here's a Youtube review of the product:
LOOK HERE Everything For Your Cat (USA)
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